Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The End of the Work Year

Three more working days for the year for me.  I love the week between Christmas and New Years.  My company gives us Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off as well as New Years Day.  That's THREE holidays within a week of each other.  THEN they also give us TWO floating holidays to be used within a certain timeframe.  I use them to the week between Christmas and New Years.  I usually have to to take one or two vacation days to cover the entire week but that's not a big deal.  I still am getting almost TWO WEEKS off on the company!

This has worked out wonderful for me since being a single mom.  I haven't had to worry about babysitters or day care while Jakes is off of school.  Now he is older and doesn't need a babysitter AND he lives with his Dad. 

We are working out the details of the holiday visitation as well as extra time for Jakes to be with me.  There's still time and Jakes gets a say in how much extra time he'll spend with me that week.  I'm expecting him to stay with me for the entire week.

Its going to be a good holiday week.  Lots of plans.  Painting the kitchen, relaxing and maybe a trip to the beach.  Oh and LOTS of reading!

What are your plans for between the holidays?


  1. woot...enjoy that time off...and with jakes as well...i hope you all have a very merry (and peaceful) christmas...

  2. I plan on reading a lot too.

    Enjoy the beach!

  3. I can see why you love that week since you're off. I've always hated that week of the year, but I'm looking forward to relaxing this year and doing a whole lot of nothing too!

  4. CP is 'working from home' for an entire week! Woohoo! I'm not sure I can handle him being here that long.... ;)

    We are going to the Kettles (aka my parents) the day after Christmas for a few days - provided we can get through the pass in the new car. Who knew it would be so dang snowy in Seattle and we'd get a not-exactly-good-in-snow-car?


    Other than that, lots of reading, and probably lots of eating!


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