Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last night I went to a seminar on your basic rights in special education.  I figured I would be bored because I have already been through the basic IEP set up and several reviews with 2 different schools for Son.  I was right.  I did get a couple tidbits of information that will help us in the future but that came from one of the other parents in the audience.  THAT's why I was there; to connect with other parents on the Autism Spectrum.

The seminar was hosted by our Autism Center but was open to all parents who wanted to be educated on their rights.  But there were mostly Spectrum parents and kids there.  After seeing the kids and hearing their parents horror stories about their Child Study Teams, I am VERY grateful that Son is SO high functioning and that we have had the pleasure of working with caring team members.

There were kids there who are more severely affected by their diseases than Son.  People could look at Son and talk with Son and now know there is anything wrong with Son.

There were parents there with horror stories about fighting with their schools to get the BASIC services needed for their child.  I have never really had to fight the schools, they have always been willing to take on whatever I throw at them.

At the beginning of this school year, there was a new child study team in the school and Son wasn't getting all the services in the IEP so I called the principal and the child study team leader to express my concern.  All Son's services started immediately.

Anyway, I am very grateful that Son is high functioning and that he has caring teachers and team members.   I also know how lucky I am to have that and will be sending a little thank you to his teachers and his aid.


  1. Im glad you were able to meet some new parents and get a few tips. You have done such an awesome job getting him the services he needs. I bet some other parents were glad that you were there to share some of your experiences with them.

  2. so glad you were able to connect with others...taking a boy today for an autism spectrum...his mom could really use some support...

  3. It sounds like you've stayed on top of everything so that his school is aware of what he is and isn't getting. I'm happy you have been able to connect with other parents!

  4. I'm glad that you can be grateful. That's what it's all about - seeing the bright side and being thankful for blessings, hmm?

    Marvin D Wilson

  5. I'm glad that you can be grateful. That's what it's all about - seeing the bright side and being thankful for blessings, hmm?

    Marvin D Wilson

  6. Good for you. We've also lucked out that Thing 1's JM hasn't caused her to be treated much different than anyone else. Count your blessings.

  7. So glad that you are getting great support for your son and that you saw the silver lining at the meeting. Also, think what good it did for other parents to know there are places for their kids that can work harder and do better for them. And thanks for reminding me to appreciate how lucky we've been with our daughter. (I was driven kind of nuts with her a little while ago, but now I feel better thanks to your post. At least she's able to be as exuberant and full of life as she is.)


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