Thursday, July 8, 2010

Guardian Angel of Therapy

When my marriage was falling apart I decided that I wanted professional help with telling Son about the changes that were going to happen in his life. So I pulled up the list of participating therapists from the insurance company and started calling to see who had openings. No one did and in my panic mode, I wanted to get it done and over with immediately.

In talking with the one agency, they took the time to educate me on the procedures of the waiting list and even offered minimal comfort to my situation. They put me on the waiting list with the promise to call within the next week or so. Imagine my surprise when I received a call from them on the SAME day. What a shock! I took the first appointment available with Kate.

We all three showed up at the appointment and piled into her office. I had made the appointment for Son because I wanted her to work with him to deal with the changes. She turned to the 5 year old Son and asked him why he was here. Of course he had no clue about the real reason. So Son and I adjourned to a waiting room while A/H told her what was going on. His version of it at least. Then it was my turn to go in with her to tell my side of it. I immediately burst into tears. She decided that I needed her more than Son did and since A/H told her he wanted to work on the marriage, that’s what we would do.

And from that moment on we connected. I loved Kate and all that she did for me. Without her and lots of family and friends, I would not have made it through the divorce as unscathed as I did.

Through all this, Son was diagnosed with Aspergers and we needed a therapist to help him with various things. The Dr wanted to see him in his office which was physically impossible plus he didn’t take the insurance. So I talked to Kate who said she would ask around her agency. She found Valerie, who had experience with autistic kids and Kate felt I would like her therapy ways.

I made an appointment with Valerie for Son and I connected again. She connected with Son and we were able to learn LOTS from her. We eventually got to the point where we didn’t need her and were discharged.

Recently, Son and I have needed help. So I searched Facebook and found Kate and Valerie again. I talked with both but Valerie was the one who connected us to Vickie. I was willing to go to Valerie but her new agency doesn’t take Son’s insurance plus she is further away. Vickie’s agency takes Son’s insurance and she had an opening. And I like her, except when she is beating me over the head with the truth and assigning homework. HA!

Kate and I would talk about how lucky I was in getting our therapy needs met and quickly. We joked that I had a therapy guardian angel, someone from above looking out for what I needed to keep my sanity and strength. In my heart, I know it was Mom. She was always looking out for people and helping them when she could. And she continues to do it for me from above. Thanks Mom!

Son seems to love Vickie and is completely comfortable with her. This makes me very happy. I have been VERY lucky when I have gotten therapists (or maybe I am just not picky!).

I was reminded of how lucky I have been when my friend Kim emailed that she was having trouble finding a woman therapist for her teen daughter. Her daughter wants to see a woman and Kim cannot find one that has openings and is fairly local. She finally found one who has openings but doesn’t participate with her insurance. Because Kim is desperate to make sure her daughter gets the help she needs, she is willing to pay the price of going out of network. Good luck Kim! Next time, I will share my Guardian Angel to help.


  1. That's exactly what it takes. You have to be comfortable with the therapist in order for it to do any good at all. I'm so glad to hear he feels a comfort with his!

  2. glad to hear your therapist is doing well for you and great that son is so comfortable with her...hope it works out well for your friend as well...

  3. I am very happy that you have been able to get the help you need when you need it. I would say you ARE lucky!!


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