Friday, June 20, 2014

The Garden

The Garden is growing nicely.  I've gotten a couple of nice handfuls of green beans and peas so far.  With the warm weather this week, I have one tomato that's blushed.  Hopefully we'll have a feast on it this weekend.  Its a little cherry tomato and hopefully I will be able to convince Jakes to cut it in half and share with me.

Here's my tomatoes and Peppers

This little pepper will be ready this weekend too.

Here's what I look down on each morning. My Lovely Pallet Garden

I have peas and green beans.
Wednesdays Harvest.  Just enough for me! YUM!
Here is the Squash pallet. There are Zucchini, Yellow Squash and Spaghetti Squash in there.
The Spaghetti Squash is taking over!
Here is my pallet of Herbs.  There is Cilantro, basil and oregano there.
Next to be planted will be some rosemary and thyme.

So there's the update of the garden.  Jaxon and I have been watering it each night that we don't have rain.  Pulling the weeds and harvesting make for a relaxing end to the day.

1 comment:

  1. nice...the pallet garden seems to be working out well for you...nothing like a meal of your own labor fresh out the garden either...


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