Sunday, February 14, 2010

100th Post

WOW!  I have reached 100 posts!  I had no idea when I started this where I was going to take it, where it would take Me, or the wonderful friends I would make through it.  Thank you to all my followers, your daily comment love make me happy!

To celebrate my milestone, let's have a little contest.  Son and I are trying to decide on a name for the puppy and not finding one that we agree on.  My theroy is that since Son picked which puppy we get, I should get to pick the name.  Son doesn't agree with that.  humph.

So, here is a picture of the puppy....

Son wants to name him  Brownie or Buddy.  I picked Jaxon but think that might be too close to Son's name and they might get confused.  :)

The Puppy will be 6 weeks old on 2-22 and should be coming home shortly after that.  YAY!  I'm so excited!  I'm sure our kitties won't be as excited when he comes home.  Leave your suggestion in the comments!


  1. OOOOH,if I could just see his eyes then I would know. So precious.

  2. I say Killer! and I can't wait to see him in person!

    Congrats on 100 posts! that is awesome!!!

  3. congrats on 100 posts! brownie sounds nice or bastion...

  4. I don't know about a name (he's too small to really see and get a feel for what he should be called).

    But Happy 100!

  5. How about Spot? Congrats on your 100th post!

  6. You could call him Jax for short, which is pretty neat. Also if you can maybe see what other's around you have for dog names.... it would stink to take your dog to the park only to have 6 named just like him.

    On a side note, our Oscar (who was born on Oscar night, thus the name) thinks his name is dog. I realized that I call him that all the time.


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