Friday, March 4, 2011

The Surgery

Crazy Hat Day to Celebrate
Dr. Suess's Birthday

Jakes ear tube removal surgery was Wednesday and it went well.  We both survived.  It was scheduled later in the day than in the past but as he gets older and remains healthy, his priority goes down. 

I love the childrens hospital that we go to.  They KNOW how to care for kids and their parents.  Jakes complained that a couple of the nurses talked to him like he was a baby.  I agreed with him and explained that they might not be used to working with older kids and asked him to have patience.  And he did.

We went through all the hoops for pre-op and he drank the Giggle Juice like a champ.  And he got silly, then they took him away from me.

I headed over to the waiting area and got settled.  I was there for maybe 5 minutes before the Dr came out to tell me that everything went well.  WOW!  That was quick, the quickest I think.  The tube is gone, the ear looks good, there's no infection and not even a hole in the ear drum. 

I found a spot that had a cell signal and texted/called everyone.  Then went back to wait for them to get me to watch Jakes wake up.  He was already awake when I went back, babbling about different stuff but I don't know what.  We got him to rest a little bit then I made the mistake to give him my iPad to play with.  He didn't want to give it back or leave.  uh, Dude, we have to go!

We got into the car finally and he said in a weak voice, can I call Grandmom?  Drama much, kid?  He asked g-mom to call g-pop and have him meet us at the car to help walk into the house.  Silly kid!  G-pop was there for us, not that he was needed.

Jakes planted himself on the couch with the laptop to play video games.  His world was perfect.


  1. I think nurses the world over talk to everyone like they're kids ... when I was in labour with Daniel they talked to me like I *was* a baby, not the one *having* a baby. Wanted to punch them!! ha ha!

    Glad the operation went well for Jakes anyway :)

  2. We didn't have to have my son's removed, but I remember being so worried when he had them in and then barely being able to sit down and get a drink before it was over.

    Also - that is an awesome hat. We had Crazy Seuss week this week, too, but The Girl's hat was nowhere NEAR as crazy. Love it!

  3. smiles. glad he came through it well...let him have his day on the couch and baby him...smiles.

  4. Sittin on the couch playing games sound JUST RIGHT. Glad he did well!

  5. So glad he came through ok!!

  6. I'm glad it went well. even the 'minor' stuff always freaks me out!


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