Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Friday!

Yes, Fridays are usually happy cause they are the start of the weekend.  But I am making a change in my attitude about all the other days of the week.  And in my attitude in general.

I have found myself more pessimistic about life, in general.  Yes, life recently has sucked and been quite stressful and I might be entitled to a little pessimism.  But I'm sick of my boo-hoo attitude.  I feel like I complain about everything.  I complain about the weather, be it too cold or too hot.  I just don't seem to be happy.

With Jakes, I complain about his attitude, which does need work, but even when he's doing well, I find something negative to say about the situation.  I know that this doesn't help things.

Last weekend, Pollyanna was on TV.  She plays The Glad Game, where no matter the situation she finds something good about it.  I love Disney movies!  Mrs. Snow was laying in bed believing that she was dying.  Pollyanna went in and found something good about it and managed to cheer up mean, old Mrs. Snow.

So.  I am going to start playing The Glad Game too.

As for the weather, I'm glad its warm because it will help the veggies grow and I love fresh veggies!

As for the Jakes situation, I am glad to be getting such good parenting advice and support.  With all the help I am getting now, we will be able to soar through the teen years and have fun!

What are you happiest about today?


  1. Happy Friday!

    I haven't watched Pollyanna in years! I'm not ever sure I remember the whole story. I'll have to look for it at the library!

  2. i am glad you are getting the support as well...happy friday!

  3. good to hear about getting good parenting advice. :)

    yay for the warm weather!

    i love veggies, too!

    happy weekend!
    betty xx

  4. A positive outlook can truly make a big difference!


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