Monday, December 2, 2013

Counting my Blessings

I was going to put this post together last week but just didn't have time!  I was hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and had lots to cook and clean, in addition to work.  

We had a FEAST! ESM took pictures of the Turkey and as soon as she shares with me, I'll share with you.

I have so many things to be thankful for:

  • I have a home that is warm and cozy to come home to everyday.
  • I have a job that takes me out of my home everyday.
  • I have a wonderful son who is amazing and shows such love and attention to his grandfather.
  • I have a wonderful set of parents who will do anything in the world for me and who I would do anything in the world for them.
  • I have a wonderful farm where Jakes has learned so much more than therapeutic riding!  Jill is an amazing person who does wonderful things through her faith and hard work.
  • I have a wonderful group of friends who listen when I cry and worry.  
  • I have a cute and cuddly dog who brings me such comfort and joy.
  • I have wonderful co-wokers.  They make the days go by so quickly, with laughter and mostly joy.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of blessings in my life.  I have been taking the time recently to remember my blessings and give thanks for them.

I hope you have all had a wonderful, family filled, turkey filled Thanksgiving holiday.

1 comment:

  1. smiles...glad you had a feast and i hope all was well....nice list...i share a lot of the same feelings on my blessings...


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