Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tidbit Tuesday

Jakes and I had a great weekend.  Lots of fun stuff happened. Swimming, playing with friends, visiting with the Gparents and the dogs.

Jakes went for a job interview last week. Of course, just an entry level job at a local fast food place but HE decided to go there and get the application without letting anyone know he was going.  Good initiative!  He hasn't heard from the manager to know if he's been hired yet but I hope he gets it.  It might mean less time at my house but he's growing up and more independent.  He has to learn to fly.

Dad is doing everything he can to stay healthy enough to get chemo this week.  Fingers crossed that his blood work shows good results today!

We are going to start packing the RV for the 4th of July weekend.  Jakes is excited to help so we can go.  He loves the campground we are going to.  And there will be fireworks!

The garden is about to kick into high gear.  Tomatoes are changing colors, daily harvests of green beans and peas, zucchini's getting longer.  YUM!

There is nothing "new" in my life.  Just day by day.  Evenings are spent playing with the animals, making dinner, watering plants and reading on the deck until the mosquitoes chase me inside. 

I'm thinking I ready to plunge back into the dating world.  I have a friend who says I need to start my "stable".  :) but what to say on the profile?  "Single female seeks Cowboy?"  "Looking for someone to ride off into the sunset with." It'll come to me eventually, when the time is right.

That's about all that's going on in my life.  What's going on it yours?


  1. Good luck with the dating world!

    And good luck to Jakes with the job.

  2. hey Amy, sounds like your garden is way ahead of ours. So far we have lettuce...tons of it, all ready at the same time! There are two tomatoes getting bigger on the vine, but still dark green. The zucchini is in flower, but that's it. We are expecting screens to arrive any day now for our porch. The mosquitos are ENORMOUS! Hope the porch is habitable soon. I love sitting out there, listening to the birds and watching for porpoise and seals in the sea.

  3. ah hope his blood work comes back good...
    and hope that job works out...way to go jakes...


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